

  • 2010

    Professor (First Class)

    University of Aix-Marseille

  • 2007

    Professor, THEMA

    University of Cergy-Pontoise

  • 2003
    Alicante, Spain

    Visiting Professor

    University of Alicante

    Department of Fundamental Economics
  • 1998

    Senior Research Fellow

    University of Nottingham

    School of Economics
  • 1996

    Research Fellow

    University of Oxford

    Centre for the Studies of African Economies
  • 1995


    University of Addis Abeba

    Economics Dept
  • 1993
    Québec, Canada

    Assistant Professor

    Université Laval

    Economics Dept
  • 1992


    Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

    Laboratoire d'Econométrie du CNAM
  • 1989

    Ph.D. Student

    DELTA (Ecole Normale Supérieure et Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) and CREST (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, Paris)

  • 1988

    Survey analysis at the Ministry of Cooperation and Development in Paris

  • 1984

    Technical adviser of the Head of the Statistical Office of Rwanda

  • 1984

    Survey analysis

    Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques

  • 2014

    International Social Security Association Good Practice Award

    the analysis, design and implementation of the Social Reform in Mauritius

  • 2015

    The International Scientific Committee of the Swiss Network for International Studies


  • 2011

    Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

    Member of the National Scientific Council of the Research Department of Social Sciences (SAE)

  • 2011

    Institut de Recherche sur le Développement

    Member of the National Sectoral Commission for Social Sciences (CSS4)

  • 2011
    Aix en provence

    Aix-Marseille School of Economics Board

    Executive Member in charge of Development Economics

  • Berlin

    DIW Berlin

    Research Director

  • 2009

    the Korean Journal of Economics

    Member of the Editor Board

  • 2013

    Journal des Etudiants en Développement International,

    Member of the Editor Board

  • 2013

    Prime d’Excellence Scientifique

  • 2009

    Prime d’Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche

  • 2008

    Listed in the Who’s Who from 2008

  • France

    Institut de Recherche sur le Développement.

    Admitted as Research Director

  • Spain

    University of Alicant

    Creation of a Research Unit in Economic Development

  • France


    French, English Spanish

    written and spoken fluently
  • 2008

    Habilitation to Lead French Research

  • 1994

    Habilitation to Lead Canadian Research

    Laval University

  • 1993

    Ph.D. in Economics at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales

    Delta (Now: Paris School of Economics)

    Thesis Title: Methods and Models for the Analysis of Agricultural Household Behaviour in Developing Countries. The Case of Rwanda. Supervisor: F. Bourguignon.
  • 1984

    Diplôme de Statisticien-Economiste

    Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, 1ère division

    Statistician-Economist Diploma: Doctorate level
  • 1984

    Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Economie du Développement

    Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne

    Diploma of Advanced Development Studies
  • 1984

    Licence de Logique

    Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne

    Formal Logic Diploma : Master Level
  • 1984

    Licence de Philosophie 1984 (Philosophy Diploma : Master Level).

    Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne

    Speciality : Epistemology.
  • 1984

    Cambridge Proficiency of English


  • 1981

    Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles Scientifiques

    Physics and Mathematics
  • 1980

    Unités de valeurs du DEUG de Physique

    Université de Paris VII

  • 1980

    Unités de valeurs du DEUG de Mathématique

    Université de Paris VII


+33 (0)4 90 77 03 71 / +33 (0)6 19 51 67 91
Professor, GREQAM (Aix Marseille University) & Président of International Scientific Committee at Swiss Network for International Studies

Professor of economics and statistics at the University of Aix-Marseille in France, I have an extensive experience of ground work and academic studies in developing countries.

Newly appointed as President of International Scientific Committee at Swiss Network for International Studies

During my career, I occupied academic positions in North America, Africa, England, Spain, Germany and France currently as Professor of Economics at Aix-Marseille University.

I have collaborated as a consultant or technical adviser with many international organizations.

I have visited and collaborated with statistical institutes and economic institutions in most countries in the world. Recently, my work on the design and implementation of the Social Reform in Mauritius was awarded the 2014 International Social Security Association Good Practice Award.

A French citizen, I was awarded a PhD in economics and Habilitation Diploma for Research Direction (HDR) from France and Canada, and other diploma in statistics, physics, mathematics, formal logic and philosophy. Beyond development economics, my research interests include economic theory of welfare and household decisions (especially for anti-poverty and social policies), and econometric theory of quantile/robust regressions and survey design/analysis.

I have published in top academic journals in the economics, statistics, mathematics and other literatures. My publications include 40 articles in scientific journals with referee process (e.g., in J. of Development Economics, J. of Economic Theory, J. of Health Economics, J. of Public Economics, Econometrics Journal). I have managed many academic projects, including 17 large research grants.

I have been a member of numerous academic bodies and a fellow of many academic institutions in the world, including in France of the National Committees for Social Sciences for the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, and in Switzerland for the Swiss Network for International Studies.

Today, I practice trail running and chess. Perhaps, my main sport, when I was younger, was Judo, with a Black Belt.

Judo brought me very strong values which are still pregnant in my day to day Professional practice.

* Sincerity

* honesty

* Courage

* Perseverance




I am an international academic researcher versatile in social sciences and statistics. I am also a member of many international scientific networks.

The core motivation and passion in my work, whether for research, teaching or consultations, arises from social and economic policy issues. My activities have been performed all over the World, including consulting work for many national and international organizations. They yielded decisive enhancement of social policies in several countries by improving their efficiency and reducing their costs.

My topics of study are varied and multidisciplinary, with high level publications in: applied development economics, mathematics and theoretical econometrics, survey techniques and economic theory.

These topics are generally originated from unresolved policy questions and lead to diverse practical applications. In that sense, they reflect my activities as an applied development economist. As a consequence, they often yielded academic papers in the applied economics literature, notably in the fields of poverty analysis.

Another important field of application of these interests is in teaching and in the organization of academic events.

Papers: 25 Projects: 4 Impacts: 5

A crucial dimension of interventions for improving policies and household situations is the availability of relevant data. I contribute to this through innovative data collection methods, mostly by designing household and individual surveys. One of my favorite contexts is that of developing economies.

I also construct sophisticated social and economic indicators, supported by economic theoretical foundations, but also by new statistical techniques. Some of these innovative indicators I designed allow for multidimensional welfare and poverty analyses, sometimes drawing on techniques of stochastic dominance.

A parallel dimension I am interested in is the development of new econometric methods to deal with the studied topics. As poverty and income distribution analyses are central, I found it natural to investigate econometric estimation methods that aim at describing some features of the conditional or unconditional distributions of living standard variables, for example quantile regressions or RIF regressions.

Statistical targeting issues are also relevant, and I developed methods in this field that produced massive improvement of the performance of social programs, both in terms of targeting and cost saving, applied to different countries such as Rwanda, Tunisia, Mauritius, The Gambia and Seychelles.

Related to data collection and indicator construction, I also develop statistical methods robust to the presence of some measurement errors, and panel data techniques that fit better the time and discreteness nature of the collected information, and its causality.

Paper : 10 Project : 8 Impact : 5

It is not enough to have good data, good statistics and good policy aims. Some kind of theoretical framework must be proposed that support the analyses in all their stages. In particular, I investigate theoretical models of complex welfare and poverty situations, as they are necessary to guide efficient and relevant social policies.

Moreover, individuals respond to their situations, to the shocks they face and to policies, even in situations of missing or imperfect markets, and of complex social interactions. Accordingly, I study theoretical individual decision models, in all relevant domains: labor and production, consumption, health and nutrition, fertility and family issues, social interactions, political engagement, energy and environmental choices, violent conflict…

Finally, I explore theoretical models at more aggregate society levels in order to grasp the logics of political economy, violent conflicts and other network interactions in society.

Papers : 12 Project : 32 Impact : 2


01 Jun 2014

40 – A Test of Separability of Consumption and Production Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia

Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, Volume 5, Number 1, pp. 1-18

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households Christophe MULLER

40 – A Test of Separability of Consumption and Production Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households

In this paper, I test and reject the separability of production and consumption decisions of agricultural households
in Ethiopia, using data from a rural household survey conducted in 1994 and an estimated labor demand equation. I also elicit socio-demographic and asset variables that are positively linked with agricultural labor demand. These results reflect the limited development of fully organized labor markets in rural Ethiopia. They also imply that price
subsidies, taxes and other purely market-driven agricultural policies may have only limited or perverse impacts. They should be complemented by policies directly affecting household decisions, such as food aid, technology transfer, free supply of fertilizers and so on.

01 Dec 2014

39 – Task Organization, Human Capital and Wages in Moroccan Exporting Firms

Middle East Development Journal

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with C.J. Nordman)

39 – Task Organization, Human Capital and Wages in Moroccan Exporting Firms

Christophe MULLER (with C.J. Nordman) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Jun 2013

38 – Equivalent income and fair evaluation of health care

Health Economics, Vol. 22(6), 711–729

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER (with M. Fleurbaey, S. Luccini and E. Schokkaert)

38 – Equivalent income and fair evaluation of health care

Christophe MULLER (with M. Fleurbaey, S. Luccini and E. Schokkaert) 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryHealth and Nutrition

We argue that the economic evaluation of health care (cost–benefit analysis) should respect individual preferences and
should incorporate distributional considerations. Relying on individual preferences does not imply subjective welfarism.
We propose a particular non-welfarist approach, based on the concept of equivalent income, and show how it helps to
define distributional weights. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach with empirical results from a pilot survey.

01 Jan 2012

37 – Demographic Transition, Education and Economic Growth in Tunisia

Economic Systems, 36, 351-371

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with O. Frini)

37 – Demographic Transition, Education and Economic Growth in Tunisia

Christophe MULLER (with O. Frini) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentMiddle-East and North Africa

This paper provides empirical evidence supporting the interaction between fertility, education and economic growth through the underlying mechanism behind that correlation in accordance with Becker’s theory. In consistency with the theory, the key explanatory variables in Tunisia’s fertility model are real GDP per capita, infant mortality, contraceptive use ratio, and education. As opposed to most empirical works, the present study takes into consideration three educational levels, i.e., primary, secondary and higher. Also unlike most empirical research, this study attempts to analyse the impact of fertility transition on education and economic growth. To deal with too little or incomplete data, time series data for Tunisia are computed over 45 years. A multivariate cointegration analysis is carried out and shows that a long-term triangular relationship exists. A short dynamic run analysis based on the vector correction error model displays results in coherence with and close to those of the long term. Among our key results, education is found to trigger fertility transition both in the short and long run. In addition, education has relatively fostered economic growth but hardly boosted it through its dynamic interaction with fertility. Furthermore, the variance decomposition and the impulse function show that the fertility transition has produced a feedback effect on both education and economic growth.

01 Jan 2012

36 – Multidimensional Inequality Comparisons: a Compensation Perspective

Journal of Economic Theory, 147, 4, 1427-1449

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER (with A. Trannoy)

36 – Multidimensional Inequality Comparisons: a Compensation Perspective

Christophe MULLER (with A. Trannoy) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods

We provide a unified treatment of the two approaches pioneered by Atkinson and Bourguignon (1982, 1987) [3,4] by resorting to compensation principles in the bivariate case.We treat the attributes of individual
utility asymmetrically by assuming that one attribute can be used to compensate another. Our main result consists of two sufficient second-order stochastic dominance conditions. In the case where the compensated
variable has a discrete distribution, the distribution of the compensating variable must satisfy a condition which degenerates to the Sequential Generalized Lorenz test for identical marginal distributions of the compensated
variable. Furthermore, the distributions of the compensated variable must satisfy the Generalized  Lorenz test.

01 Jan 2011

35 – Incentives and Survival in Violent Conflicts

Goettingen Journal of International Law, Vol. 3, No. 1, 155-174

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsViolent conflict Christophe MULLER (with M. Lavie)

35 – Incentives and Survival in Violent Conflicts

Christophe MULLER (with M. Lavie) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsViolent conflict
01 Jan 2011

34 – A dominance approach to well-being and inequality across countries

Journal of Public Economics, 95, 239-246

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryHealth and NutritionMathematical methods Christophe MULLER (with A. Trannoy)

34 – A dominance approach to well-being and inequality across countries

Christophe MULLER (with A. Trannoy) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryHealth and NutritionMathematical methods

This paper proposes a dominance approach to study inequality of well-being across countries. We consider a class of well-being indices based on the three attributes used in the HDI (Human Development Index). Indices
are required to satisfy: preference for egalitarian marginal distributions of income, health and education, ALEP substitution of attributes and priority to poor countries in allocating funds to enhance health and education.
We exhibit sufficient conditions for checking dominance over the defined class of well-being indices. We apply our method to country data from 2000 to 2005. The deterioration in health conditions in poor countries
is why welfare improvements at the world level cannot be ascertained.

01 Jan 2011

33 – Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia

Journal of Development Studies, 47 (4), p. 657-675

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman)

33 – Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia

Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa

This case study exploits matched firm-employee Tunisian data in order to underline the role played by within-firm human capital in worker remuneration. The estimated returns to human capital in wage equations remain unchanged when the dummies representing firm heterogeneity are replaced in the list of regressors with three firm variables: a textile industry dummy, within-firm mean education, and firm age. We find that part of what is usually considered as return to education may be due to within-firm externalities.

01 Jan 2010

32 – Application of Stochastic Production Frontier in the Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Irrigated Agriculture in Tunisia

Agricultural Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 50-56

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and EnergyMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with T. Ben Amor)

32 – Application of Stochastic Production Frontier in the Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Irrigated Agriculture in Tunisia

Christophe MULLER (with T. Ben Amor) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and EnergyMiddle-East and North Africa

In this study, we estimate agricultural technology for Tunisian Peasants, accounting for the crop choice of perasants and distinguishing inputs for individual crops such as : vegetable farming cereal and fruit-trees. The study employed the use of cross-section data from dintinguishable irrigated crops Survey conducted on a sample of 218 farmers from 11 régions in Tunisia. The data were colleced with the aid of structured questionnaire and were later analysed. The Cobb Douglass production frontier model is employed in order to analys data collected. Among the irrigated crop farmers, the significant variables were : farmuar manuar fertiliser quantity, labor, mecanic traction and among of irrigates water applied. the estimated sigma square and gamma are widely significants for all irrigated crops and revealed that >85% of the variation in the Tunisian irrigated output among farmers in the study area are due to the différences in their efficiencies. However, we find that predicted technical efficiency widely varies across farms and crops from an average of 54.7% for vegetable farming up to 80.6% for fruit-trees. The study also revealed the existing on inefficiency effects among the farmers as : education, farmer’s age, irrigation techniques, lack of education, property of land

01 Jan 2007

31 – A new method to extrapolate poverty lines when only a few prices can be observed. Evidence from the Gambia

Bulletin of the International Statistical Association

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

31 – A new method to extrapolate poverty lines when only a few prices can be observed. Evidence from the Gambia

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses
01 Jan 2010

30 – Refining Targeting against Poverty: Evidence from Tunisia

Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 72, No. 3

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with S. Bibi)

30 – Refining Targeting against Poverty: Evidence from Tunisia

Christophe MULLER (with S. Bibi) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa

We introduce a new methodology to target direct transfers against poverty. Our method is based on estimation methods that focus on the poor. Using data from Tunisia, we estimate ‘focused’transfer schemes that highly improve anti-poverty targeting performances. Post-transfer poverty can be substantially reduced with the new estimation method. For example, a one-third reduction in poverty severity from proxy-means test transfer schemes based on OLS method to focused transfer schemes requires only a few hours of computer work based on methods available on popular statistical packages. Finally, the obtained levels of undercoverage of the poor are particularly low.

01 Jan 2010

29 – Anti-Poverty Targeting Errors and Spatial Prices

Journal of Development and Economic Policies, Vol. 12, No. 2

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North AfricaPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

29 – Anti-Poverty Targeting Errors and Spatial Prices

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North AfricaPrice analyses
01 Jan 2009

28 – Do Agricultural Outputs of Autarkic Peasants Affect their Health and Nutrition?

Food Policy, 34, 166-175

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and NutritionMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER

28 – Do Agricultural Outputs of Autarkic Peasants Affect their Health and Nutrition?

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and NutritionMiddle-East and North Africa

In rural areas of less developed countries because of market imperfections, the health and nutritional status of peasants may directly depend on the production levels of specific agricultural goods rather than solely on income levels. This channel of health and nutrition determination has never been studied. In order to assess and test the empirical possibility of this channel, we estimate the responses of health and nutritional status of autarkic agricultural households in Rwanda with respect to differences in sociodemographic characteristics and the main agricultural outputs and inputs while controlling for local environment and sampling scheme. Several food outputs are found to have a positive influence on health and nutrition, whereas the production of traditional beers has a negative impact. Moreover, greater land negatively affects health and nutrition, conditionally on agricultural production, perhaps because of a larger relative workload for households who have a large farm.
An alternative interpretation of the estimates is that they inform on the validity of the common hypothesis of perfect agricultural input/output markets with no effect of agricultural inputs/outputs on health and nutrition status. This hypothesis is rejected.

01 Jan 2008

27 – Poverty Incidence and Poverty Change in Tunisia 1990-95

Korean Journal of Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, Autumn

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER

27 – Poverty Incidence and Poverty Change in Tunisia 1990-95

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa
07 Sep 2024

26 – The Measurement of Poverty with Geographical and Temporal Price Variability. Evidence from Rwanda

Review of Income and Wealth, Ser. 54, No. 1, 27-49

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

26 – The Measurement of Poverty with Geographical and Temporal Price Variability. Evidence from Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityPrice analyses

It is not known to what extent welfare measures result from seasonal and geographical price différences rather than from differences in living standards across households. Using data from Rwanda in 1983, we show that the change in mean living standard indicators caused by local and seasonal price deflation
is moderately significant at every quarter. By contrast, the differences in poverty measures caused by  this deflation can be considerable, for chronic as well as transient or seasonal poverty indicators. Thus,
poverty monitoring and anti-poverty targeting can be badly affected by inaccurate deflation of living standard data. Moreover, when measuring seasonal poverty, the deflation based on regional prices
instead of local prices only partially corrects for spatial price dispersion. Using annual local prices instead of quarterly local prices only yields a partial deflation, which distorts the measure of poverty fluctuations across seasons and biases estimates of annual and chronic poverty.

01 Mar 2007

25 – L’autre raison de dire oui à l’Europe


1. Peer-reviewedEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

25 – L’autre raison de dire oui à l’Europe

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewedEconomic Policy
01 Jan 2007

24 – Compared Impact of Retrospective and Daily Budgetary Questionnaires

Stateco, No. 101, 63-71

1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methodsAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe MULLER

24 – Compared Impact of Retrospective and Daily Budgetary Questionnaires

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methodsAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys

Cet article étudie l’impact comparé sur l’estimation de la dépense de consommation, de l’utilisation d’un questionnaire budgétaire rétrospectif par rapport à un questionnaire de relevés quotidiens. Les données d’une enquête nationale au Rwanda montrent que l’utilisation du questionnaire rétrospectif entraîne une sous-estimation de la consommation moyenne. Ceci est dû en partie à la sous-estimation des dépenses récurrentes d’un faible montant. Le niveau de valeur des transactions individuelles apparaît comme un élément essentiel dans le choix du questionnaire budgétaire à utiliser. Les omissions avec ces questionnaires sont susceptibles de conduire à des biais importants dans les estimations non seulement de consommation agrégée mais également de modèles linéaires estimés par les moindres carrés ordinaires où la consommation du ménage apparaît comme une variable dépendante ou indépendante. Dans des cas favorables, la direction de ces biais est connue grâce à la connaissance de la corrélation négative des omissions et des valeurs de transaction.

01 Apr 2006

23 – Poverty Simulation and Price Change

Korean Journal of Economics, vol. 13, N. 1, 25-52

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

23 – Poverty Simulation and Price Change

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses
01 Feb 2007

22 – Two-Stage Huber Estimator

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 405-418

1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER ( with T.-H. Kim)

22 – Two-Stage Huber Estimator

Christophe MULLER ( with T.-H. Kim) 1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods

In this paper we propose a new robust estimator in the context of two-stage estimation methods directed towards the correction of endogeneity problems in linear models. Our estimator is a combination of Huber estimators for each of the two stages, with scale corrections implemented using preliminary median absolute deviation estimators. In this way we obtain a two-stage estimation procedure that is an interesting compromise between concerns of simplicity of calculation, robustness and efficiency. This method compareswellwith other possible estimators such as two-stage least-squares (2SLS) and two-stage least-absolute-déviations (2SLAD), asymptotically and in finite samples. It is notably interesting to deal with contamination affecting more heavily the distribution tails than a few outliers and not losing as much efficiency as other popular estimators in that case, e.g. under normality. An additional originality resides in the fact that we deal with random regressors and asymmetric errors, which is not often the case in the literature on robust estimators.

01 Jan 2005

21 – Optimising Anti-Poverty Transfers with Quantile Regressions

Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 4, No. 2

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

21 – Optimising Anti-Poverty Transfers with Quantile Regressions

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsMathematical methods

Abstract. Anti-poverty transfer schemes are one of the main way of fighting poverty. Under perfect observation of incomes, designing such scheme boils down to solving an optimisation program under constraints, which can be achieved with well-defined methods. In contrast, when incomes cannot be perfectly observed, the schemes are usually based on predictions of living standards using ancillary regressions and household survey data to predict the unobserved living standards of households. In this paper, we study the poverty minimisation program under imperfect information. We show why using predictions of living standards helps to deal approximately with an otherwise intractable problem. Then, we propose a new approach to the practical optimisation procedure based on improved predictions of living standards in terms of the targeting problem to be solved. Our new empirical methodology to target direct transfers against poverty is based on observable correlates and on estimation methods that can focus on the poor: the quantile regressions. We illustrate our results using data from Tunisia. sense.

01 Jan 2006

20 – Defining Poverty Lines as a Fraction of Central Tendency

Southern Economic Journal, 72(3), 720-729

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

20 – Defining Poverty Lines as a Fraction of Central Tendency

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Jan 2005

19 – Price Index Dispersion and Utilitarian Social Evaluation Function

Economic Letters, 89, 141-146

1. Peer-reviewedPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

19 – Price Index Dispersion and Utilitarian Social Evaluation Function

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewedPrice analyses

The living standard indicator in utilitarian social evaluation functions (USEF) is the ratio of a nominal living standard and a price index. We show that under weak association of price indices and nominal living standards and usual concavity conditions on utility functions, utilitarian social welfare increases with price index dispersion when the aggregate price level is superior to the arithmetic mean of price indices, and diminishes when it is inferior to the harmonic mean.

01 Jan 2005

18 – Human Capital and Wages in Two Leading Industries of Tunisia: Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data

Brussels Economic Review

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman)

18 – Human Capital and Wages in Two Leading Industries of Tunisia: Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data

Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Aug 2005

17 – Poverty and Inequality under Income and Price Dispersion

The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, No. 3, 879-998

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

17 – Poverty and Inequality under Income and Price Dispersion

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsPrice analyses
01 Jul 2005

16 – The Valuation of Non-Monetary Consumption in Household Surveys

Social Indicators Research, Vol. 72, No. 3, 319-341

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsSurveys Christophe MULLER

16 – The Valuation of Non-Monetary Consumption in Household Surveys

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsSurveys

Many social indicators are based on household consumption information. The valuation of non-monetary operations is crucial for the analysis of consumption surveys in developing countries because of the importance of own-consumption and transfers in kind. What are the price statistics used in the valuation of consumption indicators? How is the available price information exploited to produce consumption indicators? How can the different steps of the valuation process be analysed? We explore these questions by presenting the valuation method for the consumption used in rural Rwanda for the 1983 consumption survey, and by proposing a general model of valuation algorithm. This is useful not only for improving such algorithms, but also for assessing the impact of the valuation process on economic analyses.

01 Jun 2004

15 – Two-Stage Quantile Regressions when the First-Stage in Based on Quantile Regressions

The Econometrics Journal, 18-46

1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with Tae-Hwan Kim)

15 – Two-Stage Quantile Regressions when the First-Stage in Based on Quantile Regressions

Christophe MULLER (with Tae-Hwan Kim) 1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods

We present the asymptotic properties of double-stage quantile regression estimators with random regressors, where the first stage is based on quantile regressions with the same quantile as in the second stage, which ensures robustness of the estimation procedure. We derive invariance properties with respect to the reformulation of the dependent variable.We propose a consistent estimator of the variance–covariance matrix of the new estimator. Finally, we investigate finite sample properties of this estimator by using Monte Carlo simulations.

01 Jan 2002

14 – Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Poverty in Rwanda

Journal of African Economies, Vol.1, No. 4, pp. 503-541

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural Households Christophe MULLER

14 – Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Poverty in Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural Households

It is crucial for social Policy in Less Developed Countries to indentify correlates of poverty at the household level. This has been done in the literature by estimating household poverty equations typically with Tobit and Probit models. However, when the errors in these équations are non normal and heteroscedastic, which is usually expected, thes models deliver biased estimates. Using quarterly data from Rwanda in 1983, we reject tje normality and homoscedasticity assumptions for household chronic and transient latent poverty equations. we treat this problem by estimating censored quantile régressions. Our results of censored quantile regressions and of inconsistent Tobit régressions are substantially different. However, in the case of chronic poverty the signs of the apparently significant coefficients are generally in agreement, while for seasonal transient poverty different variables have significant effects for the two extimation methods. our second contribution is to study, for the first time, correlates of poverty indicators bases on quaterly consumptions. Our results show that in Rwanda different correlates are significant for chronic poverty and for transient seasonal poverty. The effects of the main inputs (land and labour) are more important for the chronic component of porverty than for the transient one. Household location and socio demographic characterisitics play important roles that are consistent with usual explanations of poverty in the literature.

01 Jan 2002

13 – The Relative Prevalence of Disease Symptoms for Ill Persons in Bénin

International Journal of Health Planning and Management, vol.14, No. 4

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER

13 – The Relative Prevalence of Disease Symptoms for Ill Persons in Bénin

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition

In developing countries, the usual modelling of the correlates of health problems is not a good fit for the health phenomena encountered and the available data. Indeed, three common situations occur: (a) it is often the observed symptoms that are used to determine medical interventions instead of specific disease diagnostics or general health indicators; (b) the ill persons described by the data are often affected by multiple health problems; and (c) the correlates of the full spectrum of all symptoms need to be considered together. In this paper, these issues are dealt with by proposing a statistical approach based on competing scores of symptoms that explain their relative prevalence among the observed ill persons. Using multinomial logit models, the relative prevalence of four symptoms was  estimated for four age classes of ill persons in Benin. Socio-demographic characteristics, household equipment and consumption behaviour are shown to influence the relative prevalence of symptoms and therefore could be used to decide what treatment to use. Moreover, living standards and economic activities are important and the pattern of symptoms among poor or agricultural ill persons differs from that of the rich or the non-peasants. The proposed method can be used to assist the definition of target groups and to guide the allocation of scarce resources in poor countries.

01 Jan 2002

12 – Prices and Living Standards. Evidence for Rwanda

Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 68, 187-203

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityPrice analysesSurveys Christophe MULLER

12 – Prices and Living Standards. Evidence for Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityPrice analysesSurveys

We review the explanations of the statistical relationship between spatial price indices and real living standards. Then, using data from several seasons in rural Rwanda, we show that these variables are negatively associated, hinting at price discrimination against the poor. In that case, policies permanently improving of market functioning may simultaneously improve efficiency and equity.
Moreover, under a hypothesis of weak association of nominal living standards and price indices, we derive simplified formulae for social welfare indicators. These formulae depend only on a small number of sample statistics obtainable from separate publications for prices and living standards.

01 Aug 2001

11 – The Properties of the Watts Poverty Index under Lognormality

Economics Bulletin, Vol. 9, No.1, pp1-9

1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Theory Christophe MULLER

11 – The Properties of the Watts Poverty Index under Lognormality

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Theory
01 Jan 2001

10 – Double-Stage Quantile Regressions

Bulletin of the International Statistical Association, Tome LIX, Book 2, pp 155-158

1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim)

10 – Double-Stage Quantile Regressions

Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim) 1. Peer-reviewed6. Statistical methods
01 Jun 2001

9 – A Health Production Function for Quasi-Autarkic Agricultural Households in Rwanda

The European Journal of Development Research, Vol.13, No.1, pp 87-105

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER

9 – A Health Production Function for Quasi-Autarkic Agricultural Households in Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition
01 Apr 2000

8 – The Impact of Health and Nutritional Status of Farmers on their Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence from Ethiopia

Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 47, N. 3

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition Christophe Muller (with A. Croppenstedt)

8 – The Impact of Health and Nutritional Status of Farmers on their Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence from Ethiopia

Christophe Muller (with A. Croppenstedt) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition
01 Jan 1999

7 – A Profile of Poverty in Tunisia 1995

The World Bank, Washington

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER

7 – A Profile of Poverty in Tunisia 1995

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Feb 1999

6 – The Impact of the Production Composition on the Nutrition of Agricultural Households in Rwanda

Applied Economics Letters, 6, 125-131

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER

6 – The Impact of the Production Composition on the Nutrition of Agricultural Households in Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition
01 Aug 1996

5 – The Choice of Medical Providers in Rural Bénin : A Comparison of Discrete Choice Models

Journal of Health Economics, vol. 15, 477-498

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER (with D. Bolduc and G. Lacroix)

5 – The Choice of Medical Providers in Rural Bénin : A Comparison of Discrete Choice Models

Christophe MULLER (with D. Bolduc and G. Lacroix) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition
01 Jan 1994

4 – The Role of Production Decisions in Modeling Consumption of Peasants

Developments in Agricultural Economics

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households Christophe MULLER

4 – The Role of Production Decisions in Modeling Consumption of Peasants

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households

“The Role of Production Decisions in Modeling Consumption of Peasants,” in F. Caillavet, H. Guyomard, and R. Lifran, “Agricultural Household Modelling and Family Economics,” Collection “

01 Jan 1994

3 – Les enquêtes niveau de vie et les politiques de développement

Ministère de la Recherche et de la Technologie

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

3 – Les enquêtes niveau de vie et les politiques de développement

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys

“Les enquêtes niveau de vie et les politiques de développement” in M. Benoit-Catin, P. Guillaumont, et M. Griffon “Economie des politiques agricoles,”

01 Jul 1994

2 – A Microeconometric Model of Primary Health Care Demand

Les Actes du 43ème Colloque International de l'Econométrie de la Santé, VII, Association d'Econométrie Appliquée

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER (with D. Bolduc and G. Lacroix)

2 – A Microeconometric Model of Primary Health Care Demand

Christophe MULLER (with D. Bolduc and G. Lacroix) 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition

A Microeconometric Model of Primary Health Care Demand

01 Jan 1992

1 – Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d’Afrique centrale

Economie et Prévision, numéro 105

Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d'Afrique centrale

1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households Christophe MULLER

1 – Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d’Afrique centrale

Christophe MULLER 1. Peer-reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households

Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d’Afrique centrale

01 Aug 2013

41 – The Social Register of Mauritius and the Social Aid Reform

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

41 – The Social Register of Mauritius and the Social Aid Reform

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Aug 2012

40 – The Living Conditions in Seychelles

UNDP Seychelles, Victoria

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

40 – The Living Conditions in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 May 2012

39 – Poverty in Seychelles

UNDP Seychelles, Victoria

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

39 – Poverty in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Jun 2011

38 – Enquêtes de Panels et Mesure de la Pauvreté

Séminaire International sur les Nouvelles Approches d’Evaluation des Politiques Publiques de Développement Humain, Office National du Développement Humain, Rabat, Morocco

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

38 – Enquêtes de Panels et Mesure de la Pauvreté

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
07 Sep 2024

37 – An Individual Panel Data Survey for Observing Dynamic Consumption in Morocco

The World Bank, Rabat, Morocco,

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

37 – An Individual Panel Data Survey for Observing Dynamic Consumption in Morocco

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Oct 2010

36 – PMT and Targeting for the Social Aid Reform in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

36 – PMT and Targeting for the Social Aid Reform in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy
01 May 2010

35 – Further developments for social welfare and poverty in Seychelles

UNDP Seychelles, Victoria

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

35 – Further developments for social welfare and poverty in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy
01 May 2010

34 – Living Standards and Living Conditions in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

34 – Living Standards and Living Conditions in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 May 2010

33 – Proxy-Means Tests for Social Aid in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

33 – Proxy-Means Tests for Social Aid in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic Policy
01 May 2010

32 – A Profile of Social Aid Beneficiaries in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

32 – A Profile of Social Aid Beneficiaries in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy
01 May 2010

31 – Targeting Indicators of Social Aid in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

31 – Targeting Indicators of Social Aid in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsEconomic Policy
01 Dec 2009

30 – Social Welfare Agency and Poverty Monitoring in Seychelles

UNDP Seychelles, Victoria

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe MULLER

30 – Social Welfare Agency and Poverty Monitoring in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys

This paper analytically investigates the incentive scheme of perpetrators of violent conflicts. It provides a rational equilibrium framework to elicit how monetary incentives and survival considerations shape a combatant‟s decision to participate in a conflict. In the model, a leader decides to award soldiers monetary incentives. Civilians finance the militia via donations and soldiers decide on the actual fighting and indulge in looting. We explore the scheduled decision-making that takes place on the path toward a violent conflict and study the principal-agent relationship that exists between the leader and the militia. In addition, we analyze the effect of several internal factors (productivity and survival risk) and external factors (relative economic resources, opponents‟ military strength) on the intensity of the conflict.


The model shows that soldiers‟ fighting decisions are set by the risk of personal mortality and the level of identification with the cause of war. In addition, our results link between monetary incentives and participation infighting and demonstrate a substitution effect of looting and donations as monetary incentives.

01 Dec 2009

29 – A Note on General Poverty in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

29 – A Note on General Poverty in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Oct 2009

28 – Living Condition Survey in Mauritius: General Poverty Profile

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

28 – Living Condition Survey in Mauritius: General Poverty Profile

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Jan 2009

27 – A Nutritional Poverty Profile in Mauritius 2006-07

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

27 – A Nutritional Poverty Profile in Mauritius 2006-07

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Dec 2008

26 – A Reorganization of the Social Register of Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe MULLER

26 – A Reorganization of the Social Register of Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys
01 Nov 2008

25 – A Note on Nutritional Poverty Estimates in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

25 – A Note on Nutritional Poverty Estimates in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Jul 2008

24 – Methodology and Statistical Results. 2008 Pilot Income Threshold Survey of Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

24 – Methodology and Statistical Results. 2008 Pilot Income Threshold Survey of Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Mar 2008

23 – A Short-Track Strategy for the Social Register of Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe MULLER

23 – A Short-Track Strategy for the Social Register of Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicySurveys
01 Sep 2007

22 – A Plan for a Social Register in Mauritius

UNDP Mauritius, Port-Louis

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe MULLER

22 – A Plan for a Social Register in Mauritius

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys
01 Apr 2007

21 – The Consumer Price Index of the Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development6. Statistical methodsPrice analysesSurveys Christophe MULLER

21 – The Consumer Price Index of the Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development6. Statistical methodsPrice analysesSurveys
01 Jun 2006

20 – Poverty Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

20 – Poverty Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 May 2006

19 – Living Standard Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

19 – Living Standard Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 May 2006

18 – The Consumption of Gambian Households in the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

18 – The Consumption of Gambian Households in the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Jun 2006

17 – Methodology of the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

17 – Methodology of the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Feb 2006

16 – Methodological issues in the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

16 – Methodological issues in the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Jan 2005

15 – Treatment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe MULLER

15 – Treatment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys
01 Mar 2004

14 – Model of the Sampling Procedure and Sampling Estimators for the Integrated Household Survey CSD of The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

14 – Model of the Sampling Procedure and Sampling Estimators for the Integrated Household Survey CSD of The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Feb 2004

13 – Data Assessment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia,” CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

2 - None reviewedSurveys Christophe MULLER

13 – Data Assessment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia,” CBEMP, Banjul, The Gambia

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewedSurveys
01 Aug 2003

12 – Etude de la faisabilité de la production locale et de la distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticides en République Démocratique du Congo

GTP, Virginia, U.S.A.

2 - None reviewedEconomic PolicyHealth and NutritionPrice analysesSurveys Christophe MULLER

12 – Etude de la faisabilité de la production locale et de la distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticides en République Démocratique du Congo

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewedEconomic PolicyHealth and NutritionPrice analysesSurveys
01 Jan 2001

11 – Review article of N. Birdsall and C. Graham, “New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World,”

Brookings Institution Press, 2000 for the Journal of International Development

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

11 – Review article of N. Birdsall and C. Graham, “New Markets, New Opportunities? Economic and Social Mobility in a Changing World,”

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic Policy
01 Jan 2000

10 – Review article of Von Braun, J., Teklu, T. and Webb, P., “Famine in Africa,” John Hopkins, 1998, 219 pages,

for the Journal of Agricultural Economics

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER

10 – Review article of Von Braun, J., Teklu, T. and Webb, P., “Famine in Africa,” John Hopkins, 1998, 219 pages,

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyHealth and Nutrition
01 Jan 1989

9 – Structure de la consommation finale des ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Ministère de la Coopération et du Développement, Paris

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe MULLER

9 – Structure de la consommation finale des ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys
01 Jan 1990

8 – Grandes lignes de la conception d’un projet d’Enquête sur la Consommation des ménages pour l’élaboration d’un indice des prix au Gabon

Ministère de la Coopération, Paris,

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentPrice analysesSurveys Christophe MULLER

8 – Grandes lignes de la conception d’un projet d’Enquête sur la Consommation des ménages pour l’élaboration d’un indice des prix au Gabon

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentPrice analysesSurveys
01 Jan 1988

7 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 3 : Présentation méthodologique de l’échantillon et de la collecte en milieu urbain

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

7 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 3 : Présentation méthodologique de l’échantillon et de la collecte en milieu urbain

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys
01 Jan 1987

6 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 2 : Structure du Budget des ménages

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe MULLER

6 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 2 : Structure du Budget des ménages

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys
01 Jan 1986

5 – Ressources élargies et emplois élargis des ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

5 – Ressources élargies et emplois élargis des ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Jan 1986

4 – Dépenses d’éducation – Déplacements aux marchés – Relevés de prix en milieu rural au Rwanda

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

4 – Dépenses d’éducation – Déplacements aux marchés – Relevés de prix en milieu rural au Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentPrice analyses
01 Jan 1986

3 – Approvisionnements en eau et en bois de feu – Récipients utilisés par les ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda,

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households Christophe MULLER

3 – Approvisionnements en eau et en bois de feu – Récipients utilisés par les ménages ruraux au Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentAgricultural Households
01 Jan 1986

2 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l’échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural

Ministère du Plan du Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda

Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l'échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe MULLER

2 – Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l’échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentSurveys

Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l’échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural

01 Jan 1982

1 – La notion d’efficacité en éducation

Note International  Institute for the Planning of Education, UNESCO, Paris

La notion d'efficacité en éducation,

2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic Theory Christophe MULLER

1 – La notion d’efficacité en éducation

Christophe MULLER 2 - None reviewed4. Economic developmentEconomic Theory

La notion d’efficacité en éducation

01 Jan 2015

45 – Transborder Ethnic Kin and Regional Favoritism: Evidence from Nighttime Light Intensity in Africa

Aix-Marseille School of Economics

3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with Pierre Pécher)

45 – Transborder Ethnic Kin and Regional Favoritism: Evidence from Nighttime Light Intensity in Africa

Christophe MULLER (with Pierre Pécher) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Jan 2015

44 – Household Fuel Use in Developing Countries: Review of Theory and Evidence

Working Paper Aix-Marseille School of Economics

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy Christophe MULLER (with H. Yan)

44 – Household Fuel Use in Developing Countries: Review of Theory and Evidence

Christophe MULLER (with H. Yan) 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy
01 Jul 2016

43 – A Particular Form of Non-Constant Effect in Two-Stage Quantile Regression

mimeo Aix-Marseille School of Economics

3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim)

43 – A Particular Form of Non-Constant Effect in Two-Stage Quantile Regression

Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim) 3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods
01 Dec 2013

42 – Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles

Working paper UNDP

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER (with A. Kannan and R. Alcindor)

42 – Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER (with A. Kannan and R. Alcindor) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Sep 2013

41 – Priority-Based Multidimensional Poverty

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyEconomic TheorySurveys Christophe MULLER

41 – Priority-Based Multidimensional Poverty

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyEconomic TheorySurveys
01 Sep 2013

40 – A Particular Form of Non-Constant Effects in Two-Stage Quantile Regressions

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER

40 – A Particular Form of Non-Constant Effects in Two-Stage Quantile Regressions

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods
01 Dec 2012

39 – Social Welfare Comparisons with Fourth-Order Utility Derivatives

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

39 – Social Welfare Comparisons with Fourth-Order Utility Derivatives

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Dec 2012

38 – Evaluating Violence

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityViolent conflict Christophe MULLER (with N. Gravel)

38 – Evaluating Violence

Christophe MULLER (with N. Gravel) 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityViolent conflict
01 Jun 2013

37 – Shocks, Coping Strategies and Vulnerability before and after the Financial Crisis: evidence from Ethiopia

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy Christophe MULLER (with S.W. Kebede)

37 – Shocks, Coping Strategies and Vulnerability before and after the Financial Crisis: evidence from Ethiopia

Christophe MULLER (with S.W. Kebede) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy
01 Feb 2013

36 – Réseaux sociaux et insertion sur le marché du travail en Algérie

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with M. Lassassi)

36 – Réseaux sociaux et insertion sur le marché du travail en Algérie

Christophe MULLER (with M. Lassassi) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Feb 2013

35 – Household Fuel Use in Rural China

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy Christophe MULLER (with H. Yan)

35 – Household Fuel Use in Rural China

Christophe MULLER (with H. Yan) 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsEnvironment and Energy
01 Feb 2013

34 – Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision Christophe MULLER (with A. Kannan and R. Alcindor)

34 – Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles

Christophe MULLER (with A. Kannan and R. Alcindor) 3 - Under revision
01 Aug 2011

33 – Group Violence, Ethnic Diversity and Citizen Participation: Evidence from Indonesia

Working Paper Aix-Marseille School of Economics

3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsEconomic PolicyViolent conflict Christophe MULLER (with M. Vothneck)

33 – Group Violence, Ethnic Diversity and Citizen Participation: Evidence from Indonesia

Christophe MULLER (with M. Vothneck) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development7. Social GroupsEconomic PolicyViolent conflict
01 Jul 2011

32 – An Innovative Measurement Method of Basic Needs Mixing Objective and Subjective Information

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

32 – An Innovative Measurement Method of Basic Needs Mixing Objective and Subjective Information

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Mar 2010

31 – The Role of Knowledge for Participation in Local Development Initiatives

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentEconomic PolicyEconomic Theory Christophe MULLER (with M. Vothneck)

31 – The Role of Knowledge for Participation in Local Development Initiatives

Christophe MULLER (with M. Vothneck) 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentEconomic PolicyEconomic Theory
01 Jan 2012

30 – Incentives and Self-Selection in Triggering Violent Conflict

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentEconomic TheoryViolent conflict Christophe MULLER (with M. Lavie)

30 – Incentives and Self-Selection in Triggering Violent Conflict

Christophe MULLER (with M. Lavie) 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentEconomic TheoryViolent conflict
01 Jan 2010

29 – Why 2700 kilo calories per day as a Nutritional Benchmark for Poverty Lines?

mimeo The World Bank, Washington D.C

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys Christophe MULLER

29 – Why 2700 kilo calories per day as a Nutritional Benchmark for Poverty Lines?

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalitySurveys
01 Jan 2012

28 – A Test for Endogeneity in Quantiles

Working Paper Aix-Marseille School of Economics

3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim)

28 – A Test for Endogeneity in Quantiles

Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim) 3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods
01 Jan 2010

27 – Implementation Issues in Social Targeting²

University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy Christophe MULLER

27 – Implementation Issues in Social Targeting²

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic Policy
01 Jan 2010

26 – Which Almost Ideal Demand System for Tunisia?

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with S. Bibi)

26 – Which Almost Ideal Demand System for Tunisia?

Christophe MULLER (with S. Bibi) 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Jan 2008

25 – Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia

IDEP Working Paper 0801

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyViolent conflict Christophe MULLER

25 – Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyViolent conflict
01 Jan 2008

24 – Un essai sur la microéconométrie des prix et de la pauvreté

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille II

3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

24 – Un essai sur la microéconométrie des prix et de la pauvreté

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic development5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic PolicyPrice analyses
01 Jan 2005

23 – Bias Transmission and Variance Reduction in Two-Stage Estimation

Discussion Paper University of Alicante-IVIE

3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim)

23 – Bias Transmission and Variance Reduction in Two-Stage Estimation

Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim) 3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods
01 Jan 2012

22 – Sharing the Cost of On-the-Job Training in Tunisia

Working Paper Aix-Marseille School of Economics,

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman)

22 – Sharing the Cost of On-the-Job Training in Tunisia

Christophe MULLER (with C. Nordman) 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Jan 2011

21 – Females Activity Choice in a Dual Context. An integrated model for formal and informal sector in Cameroon

Discussion paper University of Alicante – IVIE WP-AD 2003-39.

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

21 – Females Activity Choice in a Dual Context. An integrated model for formal and informal sector in Cameroon

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsMathematical methods
01 Jan 2011

20 – The Share of Seasonal Transient Poverty. Evidence from Rwanda

Working Paper University of Alicante-IVIE WP-AD 2003-39

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

20 – The Share of Seasonal Transient Poverty. Evidence from Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Jan 2010

19 – Unit-Values in Demand Systems with Administered Prices. Evidence from Tunisia

mimeo University of Aix-Marseille

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

19 – Unit-Values in Demand Systems with Administered Prices. Evidence from Tunisia

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality6. Statistical methodsPrice analyses
01 Jan 2004

18 – Experimental Evidence on Cross-Endowment Effects


3 - Under revisionEconomic Theory Christophe MULLER

18 – Experimental Evidence on Cross-Endowment Effects

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionEconomic Theory
01 Jan 2002

17 – The Geometry of the Comparative Statics

Working Paper University of Nottingham 02/16,

3 - Under revisionAgricultural HouseholdsEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

17 – The Geometry of the Comparative Statics

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionAgricultural HouseholdsEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Jan 2005

16 – Weakening the Strong Convexity of Preferences

IVIE Discussion Paper

3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

16 – Weakening the Strong Convexity of Preferences

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Feb 1998

15 – La technologie jointe de l’agriculture, de la santé et de la nutrition des paysans du Tiers-Monde

Discussion Paper CSAE

3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition Christophe MULLER

15 – La technologie jointe de l’agriculture, de la santé et de la nutrition des paysans du Tiers-Monde

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition
01 Feb 2001

14 – Relative Poverty from the Perspective of Social Classes. Evidence from The Netherlands

Working Paper CREDIT, Nottingham University

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe MULLER

14 – Relative Poverty from the Perspective of Social Classes. Evidence from The Netherlands

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality
01 Aug 2002

13 – Parametric Formulae for Income Movement Measures

mimeo Nottingham

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

13 – Parametric Formulae for Income Movement Measures

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMathematical methods
01 Apr 2002

12 – Intra-Cohort Inequality in the Short-run and the Long-Run. Evidence from Tunisia

mimeo Nottingham

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe MULLER

12 – Intra-Cohort Inequality in the Short-run and the Long-Run. Evidence from Tunisia

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityMiddle-East and North Africa
01 Jan 2002

11 – Rounding of Wages

mimeo Nottingham

3 - Under revisionLabour market and firms Christophe MULLER

11 – Rounding of Wages

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionLabour market and firms
01 Apr 2002

10 – Wage Rigidity in the UK. A Dynamic Perspective

mimeo Nottingham

3 - Under revisionLabour market and firms Christophe MULLER

10 – Wage Rigidity in the UK. A Dynamic Perspective

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionLabour market and firms
01 Sep 2001

9 – Inequality Bounds with Missing Prices

mimeo University of Nottingham

3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

9 – Inequality Bounds with Missing Prices

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision5. Welfare analysis, Poverty and InequalityEconomic TheoryMathematical methodsPrice analyses
01 Jan 2001

8 – Aversion to Price Dispersion

mimeo University of Nottingham

3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryPrice analyses Christophe MULLER

8 – Aversion to Price Dispersion

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryPrice analyses
01 Aug 2000

7 – The Compensated Decision Matrix in Complex Models

mimeo University of Nottingham

3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

7 – The Compensated Decision Matrix in Complex Models

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Aug 2000

6 – Two-Stage M-Estimation with Composite Dependent Variable

Discussion Paper University of Nottingham

3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim)

6 – Two-Stage M-Estimation with Composite Dependent Variable

Christophe MULLER (with T.-H. Kim) 3 - Under revision6. Statistical methods
01 Feb 1999

5 – A Separability Condition for the Decentralisation of Complex Behavioural Models

Working Paper Nottingham University 99/6

3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods Christophe MULLER

5 – A Separability Condition for the Decentralisation of Complex Behavioural Models

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionEconomic TheoryMathematical methods
01 Jan 1992

4 – La codification d’une enquête auprès des ménages : théorie, méthodes et pratique. Application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda 1982-83 et 1984-85

Working Paper of the Laboratoire d'économétrie du C.N.A.M.

3 - Under revisionSurveys Christophe MULLER

4 – La codification d’une enquête auprès des ménages : théorie, méthodes et pratique. Application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda 1982-83 et 1984-85

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionSurveys
01 Jan 1992

3 – Méthodes de saisie et application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda

Working Paper of the Laboratoire d'économétrie du C.N.A.M.

3 - Under revisionSurveys Christophe MULLER

3 – Méthodes de saisie et application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionSurveys
01 Jan 1992

2 – Méthodes d’apurement et application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda

Working Paper of the Laboratoire d'économétrie du C.N.A.M.

Méthodes d'apurement et application à l'Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda

3 - Under revisionSurveys Christophe MULLER

2 – Méthodes d’apurement et application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revisionSurveys

Méthodes d’apurement et application à l’Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda

01 Jan 1984

1 – Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun

mimeo ENSAE

Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun

3 - Under revision4. Economic development Christophe MULLER

1 – Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun

Christophe MULLER 3 - Under revision4. Economic development

Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun




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Consultancy - 2011 - The World Bank : Support to the design of a panel data household survey in Morocco. : 31.803050, -7.088242
Consultancy - 2009 - United Nations : Support to the development of the Social Welfare Agency and a poverty monitoring system in the Seychelles.: -4.672058, 55.487823
Consultancy - 2010 - UNDP : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty: -20.300000, 57.583333
Consultancy - 2009 - The World Bank: Studies for the Poverty Assessment of The Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2009 - The World Bank : SADRN Researchers Workshop. Lecture in Pretoria on ‘Service Development and Poverty Reduction Project: -30.559482, 22.937506
Consultancy - 2008 - European Union : Poverty studies in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Consultancy - 2007 - United Nations Development Programme : Setting up of the Social Register of Mauritius and social program analysis: -20.348404, 57.552152
Consultancy - 2007 - The World Bank : Participation in Poverty Assessment for The Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2006 - World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Design of the CPI of the Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2006 The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Analysis of consumption, living standards and poverty in The Gambia.: 48.216038, 16.378984
Consultancy - 2005 - The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Analysis of the national household survey of the Gambia. : 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2004 - Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network : Animation of a conference of the network in Dakar.: 14.497401, -14.452362
Consultancy - 2004 - The World Bank and the government of The Gambia. Analysis of national household surveys and design of a methodology for poverty analysis in The Gambia. : 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 1999 - The World Bank. Design of poverty lines and the poverty profile of Tunisia. Study of the incidence of social services. : 33.886917, 9.537499
Consultancy - 1998 - The World Bank. 1. Survey Analysis Lecture in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; 2. AERC workshop “Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. : 7.539989, -5.547080
Consultancy - 1993 - The World Bank. Statistical study of household nutrition, household time uses and poverty in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1993 - Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (Paris). Econometric study of firm investment in France. : 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 1989 - French Ministry of Cooperation and Development. Design of the 1990 National Consumption Survey for the Price Index of the Gabon. : -0.803689, 11.609444
Consultancy - 1988 - French Ministry of Cooperation and Development. Survey analysis in Paris.: -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1987 - OECD. Study of non-food consumption and manufacturing industries in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1987 - Association Francaise des Volontaires du Progrès. Survey design and analysis for development projects of the association in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1985 - Project of Kigali-Est. Analysis of a survey organised by this project of agricultural development in Rwanda. : 48.216038, 16.378984
Consultancy - 1983 - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. Analysis of a sociological survey in Paris on television use by French households. : 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 1982 - Centre Culturel George Pompidou. Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.: 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 2003 - Global Textile Partner for the Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency. Study of manufacturing and distribution of anti-malaria mosquito nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Survey analysis on anti-malaria practices of Congolese hou: -4.038333, 21.758664
Consultancy - 1982 - Centre Culturel George Pompidou. Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.: 46.227638, 2.213749
Honors&Award - ACDI (Canadian Development Agency, Projet Paradi, 1993-95): Choice of Health Care Providers in Benin. Analysis of health care survey data in Benin. : 9.307690, 2.315834
Honors&Award - European Union (twice, TMR grant, 1997-98): Poverty and Household Behaviour in Rwanda. Analysis of household survey data from Rwanda.: -1.940278, 29.873888
Honors&Award - Nottingham University Research Committee (1999-2000): Poverty analysis in Rwanda. Study trip at the University of California in Berkeley. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Honors&Award - ESRC (Main British academic grant agency, 2001-2004): Dynamics of Poverty and Consumption. The Award of £ 95,932 funded a project based on data from Tunisia. The aims of the study are (1) to elucidate the mechanisms of consumption and pover: 33.886917, 9.537499
Honors&Award - European Union 2012: Marie Curie grant for a postdoc on the project “MultiRisk”. Study of the interaction of sources of risks for Indonesian households.: -0.789275, 113.921327
Honors&Award - United Nations Development Programme 2012-13: Multidimensional poverty, social policies and gender in Seychelles.: -4.679574, 55.491977
Honors&Award - UNU-WIDER 2015-2016: (The Political Economy of Social Protection Systems): New Statistical Methods for Optimal Targeting. Application to MENA Economies.: 26.820553, 30.802498
Honors&Award - UNU-WIDER 2016-17: Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.: -0.789275, 113.921327
Honors&Award - Economic Research Forum 2015: Maghreb rural-urban migration: the movement to Morocco\'s towns.: 31.791702, -7.092620
Peer Reviewed - 40 - A Test of Separability of Consumption and Production Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
Task Organization, Human Capital and Wages in Moroccan Exporting Firms: 31.791702, -7.092620
Demographic Transition, Education and Economic Growth in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Application of Stochastic Production Frontier in the Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Irrigated Agriculture in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
A new method to extrapolate poverty lines when only a few prices can be observed. Evidence from the Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Refining Targeting against Poverty: Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Anti-Poverty Targeting Errors and Spatial Prices: 33.886917, 9.537499
Do Agricultural Outputs of Autarkic Peasants Affect their Health and Nutrition?: -1.940278, 29.873888
Poverty Incidence and Poverty Change in Tunisia 1990-95: 33.886917, 9.537499
The Measurement of Poverty with Geographical and Temporal Price Variability. Evidence from Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
L’autre raison de dire oui à l’Europe: 54.525961, 15.255119
Compared Impact of Retrospective and Daily Budgetary Questionnaires: -1.940278, 29.873888
Poverty Simulation and Price Changes: 33.886917, 9.537499
Human Capital and Wages in Two Leading Industries of Tunisia: Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data: 33.886917, 9.537499
Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Poverty in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Relative Prevalence of Disease Symptoms for Ill Persons in Bénin: 9.307690, 2.315834
Prices and Living Standards. Evidence for Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
A Health Production Function for Quasi-Autarkic Agricultural Households in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Impact of Health and Nutritional Status of Farmers on their Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence from Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
The Impact of the Production Composition on the Nutrition of Agricultural Households in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Choice of Medical Providers in Rural Bénin : A Comparison of Discrete Choice Models: 9.307690, 2.315834
The Role of Production Decisions in Modeling Consumption of Peasants: -1.940278, 29.873888
A Microeconometric Model of Primary Health Care Demand: 9.307690, 2.315834
Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d\'Afrique centrale: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Social Register of Mauritius and the Social Aid Reform: -20.348404, 57.552152
The Living Conditions in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
Poverty in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
An Individual Panel Data Survey for Observing Dynamic Consumption in Morocco: 31.791702, -7.092620
PMT and Targeting for the Social Aid Reform in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Living Standards and Living Conditions in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Proxy-Means Tests for Social Aid in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Profile of Social Aid Beneficiaries in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Targeting Indicators of Social Aid in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Social Welfare Agency and Poverty Monitoring in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
A Note on General Poverty in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Living Condition Survey in Mauritius: General Poverty Profile: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Nutritional Poverty Profile in Mauritius 2006-07: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Reorganization of the Social Register of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Note on Nutritional Poverty Estimates in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Methodology and Statistical Results. 2008 Pilot Income Threshold Survey of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Short-Track Strategy for the Social Register of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Plan for a Social Register in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
The Consumer Price Index of the Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Poverty Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Living Standard Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
The Consumption of Gambian Households in the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Methodology of the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Methodological issues in the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Treatment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Model of the Sampling Procedure and Sampling Estimators for the Integrated Household Survey CSD of The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Data Assessment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Etude de la faisabilité de la production locale et de la distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticides en République Démocratique du Congo: -4.038333, 21.758664
Structure de la consommation finale des ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Grandes lignes de la conception d\'un projet d\'Enquête sur la Consommation des ménages pour l\'élaboration d\'un indice des prix au Gabon: -0.803689, 11.609444
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 3 : Présentation méthodologique de l\'échantillon et de la collecte en milieu urbain: -1.940278, 29.873888
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 2 : Structure du Budget des ménages: -1.940278, 29.873888
Ressources élargies et emplois élargis des ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Dépenses d\'éducation - Déplacements aux marchés - Relevés de prix en milieu rural au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Approvisionnements en eau et en bois de feu - Récipients utilisés par les ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l\'échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural: -1.940278, 29.873888
Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
Shocks, Coping Strategies and Vulnerability before and after the Financial Crisis: evidence from Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
Réseaux sociaux et insertion sur le marché du travail en Algérie: 28.033886, 1.659626
Household Fuel Use in Rural China: 35.861660, 104.195397
Group Violence, Ethnic Diversity and Citizen Participation: Evidence from Indonesia: -0.789275, 113.921327
An Innovative Measurement Method of Basic Needs Mixing Objective and Subjective Information: -4.679574, 55.491977
The Role of Knowledge for Participation in Local Development Initiatives: -0.789275, 113.921327
Which Almost Ideal Demand System for Tunisia?: 33.886917, 9.537499
Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Sharing the Cost of On-the-Job Training in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Females Activity Choice in a Dual Context. An integrated model for formal and informal sector in Cameroon: 7.369722, 12.354722
The Share of Seasonal Transient Poverty. Evidence from Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Unit-Values in Demand Systems with Administered Prices. Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Relative Poverty from the Perspective of Social Classes. Evidence from The Netherlands,: 52.132633, 5.291266
Intra-Cohort Inequality in the Short-run and the Long-Run. Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Rounding of Wages: 55.378051, -3.435973
Wage Rigidity in the UK. A Dynamic Perspective: 55.378051, -3.435973
La codification d\'une enquête auprès des ménages : théorie, méthodes et pratique. Application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda 1982-83 et 1984-85: -1.940278, 29.873888
Méthodes de saisie et application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Méthodes d\'apurement et application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun: 7.369722, 12.354722
External Research Fellow of the University of Nottingham: 52.954783, -1.158109
Fellow - HiCN Affiliate (Households in Conflict Network): 38.627002, -90.199404
Fellow - Research Associate of DIAL in Paris: 48.856614, 2.352222
Fellow - Research Associate of IDEP in Marseille: 43.296482, 5.369780
Fellow - Research Associate of Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network at Université Laval in Canada: 46.781746, -71.274742
Fellow - Research Associate of ESG Tunis: 36.806495, 10.181532
Visited Department - University of Durham (2015) : 54.775250, -1.584852
Visited Department - University of North Carolina (2015) : 35.759573, -79.019300
Visited Department - Georgia State University (2015) : 32.165622, -82.900075
Visited Department - Université du Québec à Montreal (2013) : 45.501689, -73.567256
Visited Department - CORE in Belgium (2013): 50.879844, 4.700518
Visited Departmeent - University Laval in Canada (2013) : 46.787837, -71.277354
Visited Department - University of New South Wales (2013) : -33.864174, 151.205287
Visited Department - UNDP Seychelles (2013) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Visited Department - National Bureau of Statistics and Social Welfare Agency in Seychelles (2010-12) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Visited Department - Ministry of Economics and Finances in the Seychelles (2009) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Project 19. UNU-WIDER 2016-17: Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.: -0.789275, 113.921327
Projects number 2

Visited Departments


Visited Departments

University of Durham (2015), University of North Carolina (2015), Georgia State University (2015), Université du Québec à Montreal (2013), CORE in Belgium (2013), University Laval in Canada (2013), University of New South Wales (2013), UNDP Seychelles (2013), National Bureau of Statistics and Social Welfare Agency in Seychelles (2010-12), University of Aix-Marseille II (2009), Ministry of Economics and Finances in the Seychelles (2009), DIW: German Institute for Economic Research (2008, 2016), Ministry of Social Security, Ministry of Finance and Economic Empowerment, and Central Statistical Office in Mauritius (2007-10), University Yonsei in South Korea (2007, 2009, 2010, 2013), University of Aix-Marseille II in France (2006), Central Statistics Department of the Gambia (2004-06), University of Alicante in Spain (2003), GREQUAM in Marseille (2003), Ministry of Health in R.D. Congo (2003), CREST-INSEE in Paris (1994, 1998, 2002), THEMA-University of Cergy (2000, 2001, 2002), Institute National of Statistics of Tunis (2000), University of California at Berkeley (2000), Vanderbilt University in Nashville (2000), Indian Statistical Institute (1988), University of Addis Ababa (1995), Institute National of Economy at Cotonou (1989), University Laval at Quebec (1994, 1995), University of Mauritius (2000), University of Tunis and IHEC in Tunis (2002, 2003), FAO in Rome (2002), The World Bank in Washington (1992), University of Houston (1992), Ministry of Plan of Rwanda (1984-88).

Improve your english vocabulary while fine-tuning your dSLR front/back focus

Referee and Supervision

Improve your english vocabulary while fine-tuning your dSLR front/back focus

Referee and Supervision

  • Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Econometrics Journal, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Population Economics, European Economic Review, Oxford Economic Papers, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Fiscal Studies, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Empirical Economics, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Development Studies, Health Economics, Journal of Economic Inequality, World Development, Mathematical and Social Sciences, Food Policy, Journal of Economic Psychology, Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Manchester School, Economics and Human Biology, Economic Modelling, Health Care Management Science, South African Journal of Economics, Journal of International Development, Revue Economique, African Development Review, The World Economy, Economics Research International, Peace Economics-Peace Science and Public Policy, L’Actualité Economique, Cahiers d’Economie et Sociologie Rurales, FAO Economic and Social Development Papers, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Poverty and Economic Policy, Hacienda Economica Espanola, IVIE, GREMAQ-IDEP, DfID, ESRC, Intitut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Institut de la Recherche en Développement, Swiss Network of International Studies, Région et Développement.


  • Supervision of students at Masters and PhD levels for University Laval at Québec, University of Addis Ababa, University of Oxford, University of Nottingham, University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, University of Antwerp, Universidad de Alicante, University of Cergy-Pontoise, University of Aix-Marseille, Paris School of Economics.


  • Running of seminar series in Delta, Paris and in Alicante, Spain.


Access to "External Ressources"
  • 1990

    I have an extensive teaching experience.

    From 1990 to 2014, I taught: Advanced Econometrics (Master and PhD), Micro-Econometrics (Master), Labour Economics (Master), Mathematical Economics (Master), Microeconomics (Undergraduate and Master), Macroeconomics (Undergraduate), Development Economics (Undergraduate and Master), Statistics (Master), Public Economics (Master), Economics of Uncertainty (Master), Applied Mathematics for Economics (Undergraduate), Mathematical Models for Growth and Development (PhD), Poverty and Income Distribution (Master), Analysis of Economic Data (Undergraduate), Time Series and Qualitative Dependent Variable Econometrics (Master), Mathematics (Undergraduate), Evaluation of Public Policies (Master).

    These activities have been performed in: University Yonsei (South Korea), Universidad de Alicante (Spain), University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Université Laval (Canada), Institut National d'Economie (Benin), and in France: Université d’Aix-Marseille, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Centre d'Etudes et Programmes Economiques, Institut International d'Administration Publique, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, Lycée Albert Schweitzer.
  • 1996

    In 1996, I followed a course on teaching techniques at Oxford University.
  • 2007

    In 2007-09, I conducted pedagogical surveys on the new students in economics at the Universities of Cergy-Pontoise and Aix-Marseille.






Aix-Marseille Université



Social, Demographic and Democratic Transitions in MENA

TMENA concentrates on economic and social issues in Middle-East and North African countries.
The project investigate quantitative economic modeling approaches of the major changes in Mediterranean societies that have taken place in the last half century. The investigation is organized around three crucial economic and social transitions: demographic, social and political.

Face to the multiple and accelerated transformations of MENA societies, social sciences can only provide partial and limited explanatory framework yet. Little understanding of the determinants and interactions of these transitions is currently available.
Our aim is to fill this knowledge gap by availing of state-of-the-art theoretical and empirical scientific advances, designed and implemented by top-level researchers within the framework of the project.
In the current volatile political context of the Arab spring, better understanding of these joint phenomena are urgently needed so as to provide to decision-makers efficient and timely guidelines and recommendations for actions and policies.

First, integrated theoretical models of these changes will be designed that will clarify the dynamic connections between these phenomena and economic growth determinants. Moreover, novel social and economic theoretical indicators will be proposed to better fit the description of these dynamic societal changes. Decisive intellectual advances are expected that will much clarify the interactions of the three transitions.

Second, new databases will be constructed that describe the questions of interest and their determinants in these countries. These databases will be made publicly available at the end of the project, and therefore constitute one of its knowledge outcomes.

Third, econometric specifications of the theoretical models will be estimated from these new data. At this occasion, new statistical methods may be developed to fit the encountered estimation difficulties. Precise estimation results will allow not only the validation of the proposed theories, but also provide quantitative assessment of the main factor effects.

Finally, policy analyses and recommendations will be derived from the conducted analyses, and disseminated to national and international authorities. The purpose of the project is to contribute significantly to understanding the economic and social impact of alternative policies in the current MENA context. Such an ambitious project is only possible by availing of the cooperation of researchers from several other research centers, from both North and South of the Mediterranean Sea. This yield permanent scientific and academic collaborations. The lead institution is the Aix-Marseille University, with the coordination by the GREQAM.


01 Jan 1982

Centre Culturel George Pompidou : Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.


Christophe Muller

Centre Culturel George Pompidou : Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.

Christophe Muller

Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris

01 Jan 1983

Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques : Analysis of a sociological survey in Paris on television use by French households


Surveys Christophe Muller

Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques : Analysis of a sociological survey in Paris on television use by French households

Christophe Muller Surveys

Analysis of a sociological survey in Paris on television use by French households

01 Jan 1983

Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques in Paris : Design of statistical software for survey analysis in Africa

Surveys Christophe Muller

Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques in Paris : Design of statistical software for survey analysis in Africa

Christophe Muller Surveys

Design of  statistical software for survey analysis in Africa

01 Jan 1985

Project of Kigali-Est : Analysis of a survey organised by this project of agricultural development in Rwanda


3. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe Muller

Project of Kigali-Est : Analysis of a survey organised by this project of agricultural development in Rwanda

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys

Analysis of a survey organised by this project of agricultural development in Rwanda

01 Jan 1987

Association Francaise des Volontaires du Progrès : Survey design and analysis for development projects of the association in Rwanda


3. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe Muller

Association Francaise des Volontaires du Progrès : Survey design and analysis for development projects of the association in Rwanda

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentSurveys

Survey design and analysis for development projects of the association in Rwanda

01 Jan 1987

OECD : Study of non-food consumption and manufacturing industries in Rwanda


3. Economic developmentLabour market and firms Christophe Muller

OECD : Study of non-food consumption and manufacturing industries in Rwanda

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentLabour market and firms

Study of non-food consumption and manufacturing industries in Rwanda

01 Jan 1988

French Ministry of Cooperation and Development : Survey analysis in Paris


2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe Muller

French Ministry of Cooperation and Development : Survey analysis in Paris

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentSurveys

Survey analysis in Paris


01 Jan 1989

French Ministry of Cooperation and Development : Design of the 1990 National Consumption Survey for the Price Index of the Gabon


3. Economic developmentPrice AnalysesSurveys Christophe Muller

French Ministry of Cooperation and Development : Design of the 1990 National Consumption Survey for the Price Index of the Gabon

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentPrice AnalysesSurveys

Design of the 1990 National Consumption Survey for the Price Index of the Gabon

01 Jan 1993

Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (Paris) : Econometric study of firm investment in France.


Labour market and firms Christophe Muller

Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (Paris) : Econometric study of firm investment in France.

Christophe Muller Labour market and firms

Econometric study of firm investment in France

01 Jan 1993

The World Bank : Statistical study of household nutrition, household time uses and poverty in Rwanda


2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition Christophe Muller

The World Bank : Statistical study of household nutrition, household time uses and poverty in Rwanda

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentHealth and Nutrition

Statistical study of household nutrition, household time uses and poverty in Rwanda

01 Jan 1998

The World Bank : 1. Survey Analysis Lecture in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; 2. AERC workshop “Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsSurveys Christophe Muller

The World Bank : 1. Survey Analysis Lecture in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; 2. AERC workshop “Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentLabour market and firmsSurveys

1. Survey Analysis Lecture in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire;

2. AERC workshop “Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

01 Jan 1999

The World Bank : Design of poverty lines and the poverty profile of Tunisia. Study of the incidence of social services


2. Welfare analysisEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa Christophe Muller

The World Bank : Design of poverty lines and the poverty profile of Tunisia. Study of the incidence of social services

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysisEconomic PolicyMiddle-East and North Africa

Design of poverty lines and the poverty profile of Tunisia. Study of the incidence of social services

01 Jan 2002

Food and Agriculture Organization : Economic analyses on poverty and hunger issues in the world

2. Welfare analysisAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition Christophe Muller

Food and Agriculture Organization : Economic analyses on poverty and hunger issues in the world

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysisAgricultural HouseholdsHealth and Nutrition

Economic analyses on poverty and hunger issues in the world

01 Jan 2003

Global Textile Partner for the Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency : Study of manufacturing and distribution of anti-malaria mosquito nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Survey analysis on anti-malaria practices of Congolese households.

Républic Démocratique du Congo

3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicyHealth and Nutrition Christophe Muller

Global Textile Partner for the Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency : Study of manufacturing and distribution of anti-malaria mosquito nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Survey analysis on anti-malaria practices of Congolese households.

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicyHealth and Nutrition

Study of manufacturing and distribution of anti-malaria mosquito nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Survey analysis on anti-malaria practices of Congolese households.

01 Jan 2004

The World Bank and the government of The Gambia : Analysis of national household surveys and design of a methodology for poverty analysis in The Gambia

The Gambia

2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe Muller

The World Bank and the government of The Gambia : Analysis of national household surveys and design of a methodology for poverty analysis in The Gambia

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentSurveys

Analysis of national household surveys and design of a methodology for poverty analysis in The Gambia

01 Jan 2004

Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network : Animation of a conference of the network in Dakar.


3. Economic development Christophe Muller

Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network : Animation of a conference of the network in Dakar.

Christophe Muller 3. Economic development

Animation of a conference of the network in Dakar

01 Jan 2005

The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Analysis of the national household survey of the Gambia

The Gambia

3. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys Christophe Muller

The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Analysis of the national household survey of the Gambia

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentAgricultural HouseholdsSurveys

Analysis of the national household survey of the Gambia

01 Jan 2006

The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Analysis of consumption, living standards and poverty in The Gambia

The Gambia

2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development Christophe Muller

The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Analysis of consumption, living standards and poverty in The Gambia

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development

Analysis of consumption, living standards and poverty in The Gambia

01 Jan 2006

World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Design of the CPI of the Gambia

The Gambia

1. Statistical methods3. Economic developmentPrice AnalysesSurveys Christophe Muller

World Bank and the Government of The Gambia : Design of the CPI of the Gambia

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical methods3. Economic developmentPrice AnalysesSurveys

Design of the CPI of the Gambia

01 Jan 2007

The World Bank : Participation in Poverty Assessment for The Gambia

The Gambia

1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic Policy Christophe Muller

The World Bank : Participation in Poverty Assessment for The Gambia

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic Policy

Participation in Poverty Assessment for The Gambia

01 Oct 2007

United Nations Development Programme: Setting up of the Social Register of Mauritius and social program analysis.


1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe Muller

United Nations Development Programme: Setting up of the Social Register of Mauritius and social program analysis.

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys

Setting up of the Social Register of Mauritius and social program analysis.

01 Jan 2008

European Union : Poverty studies in Mauritius


2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development Christophe Muller

European Union : Poverty studies in Mauritius

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development

Poverty studies in Mauritius

01 Jan 2009

The World Bank : SADRN Researchers Workshop. Lecture in Pretoria on ‘Service Development and Poverty Reduction Project’

South Africa

1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development Christophe Muller

The World Bank : SADRN Researchers Workshop. Lecture in Pretoria on ‘Service Development and Poverty Reduction Project’

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development

SADRN Researchers Workshop. Lecture in Pretoria on ‘Service Development and Poverty Reduction Project’

01 Jan 2009

The World Bank : Studies for the Poverty Assessment of The Gambia

The Gambia

2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development Christophe Muller

The World Bank : Studies for the Poverty Assessment of The Gambia

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development

Studies for the Poverty Assessment of The Gambia

01 Jan 2010

UNDP : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty.


1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development Christophe Muller

UNDP : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty.

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical methods2. Welfare analysis3. Economic development

Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty.

01 Dec 2009

United Nations : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty.


2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys Christophe Muller

United Nations : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty.

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis3. Economic developmentEconomic PolicySurveys

Support to the development of the Social Welfare Agency and a poverty monitoring system in the Seychelles

01 Jan 2011

The World Bank : Support to the design of a panel data household survey in Morocco.


3. Economic developmentSurveys Christophe Muller

The World Bank : Support to the design of a panel data household survey in Morocco.

Christophe Muller 3. Economic developmentSurveys

Support to the design of a panel data household survey in Morocco.



01 Jan 2016

Economic Research Forum 2015


Maghreb rural-urban migration: the movement to Morocco's towns.

3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural HouseholdsMiddle East North Africa Christophe Muller

Economic Research Forum 2015

Christophe Muller 3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural HouseholdsMiddle East North Africa

Maghreb rural-urban migration: the movement to Morocco’s towns.

01 Jan 2016

UNU-WIDER 2016-17


Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development4. Social Group Interactions and NetworksEconomic Policy Christophe Muller

UNU-WIDER 2016-17

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development4. Social Group Interactions and NetworksEconomic Policy

Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.

01 Jan 2015

UNU-WIDER 2015-2016


The Political Economy of Social Protection Systems : New Statistical Methods for Optimal Targeting. Application to MENA Economies.

1. Statistical Methods2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentEconomic PolicyMathematical methodsMiddle East North Africa Christophe Muller

UNU-WIDER 2015-2016

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical Methods2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentEconomic PolicyMathematical methodsMiddle East North Africa

The Political Economy of Social Protection Systems : New Statistical Methods for Optimal Targeting. Application to MENA Economies.

01 Jan 2015

A*MIDEX 2015-2016

Health Inequalities in MENA Societies.

3. Economic DevelopmentHealth and NutritionMiddle East North Africa Christophe Muller

A*MIDEX 2015-2016

Christophe Muller 3. Economic DevelopmentHealth and NutritionMiddle East North Africa

Health Inequalities in MENA Societies.

01 Jan 2015

A*MIDEX 2015-2016

Transitions in MENA Societies.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural HouseholdsEconomic PolicyFertility and DemographyHealth and NutritionLabor Market and firmsMiddle East North AfricaViolent Conflict Christophe Muller

A*MIDEX 2015-2016

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural HouseholdsEconomic PolicyFertility and DemographyHealth and NutritionLabor Market and firmsMiddle East North AfricaViolent Conflict

Transitions in MENA Societies.

01 Jan 2014

OT-MED 2014-2016

Geo-Economic Saharan Aquifer Systems

3. Economic DevelopmentEconomic PolicyMiddle East North Africa Christophe Muller

OT-MED 2014-2016

Christophe Muller 3. Economic DevelopmentEconomic PolicyMiddle East North Africa

Geo-Economic Saharan Aquifer Systems

01 Jan 2012

United Nations Development Programme 2012-13


Multidimensional poverty, social policies and gender in Seychelles.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe Muller

United Nations Development Programme 2012-13

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality

Multidimensional poverty, social policies and gender in Seychelles.

01 Jan 2012

European Union 2012


Marie Curie grant for a postdoc on the project “MultiRisk”. Study of the interaction of sources of risks for Indonesian households.

4. Social Group Interactions and Networks Christophe Muller

European Union 2012

Christophe Muller 4. Social Group Interactions and Networks

Marie Curie grant for a postdoc on the project “MultiRisk”.

Study of the interaction of sources of risks for Indonesian households.

01 Jan 1970

European Union 2007-2012

A Micro-Level Analysis of Violent Conflict’ (113,000 Euros). (1) Econometric study of the interactions of the different shocks suffered by households in developing countries: seasonal and inter-annual weather fluctuations, illness and nutrition issues, conflicts and other political shocks, other economic shocks. (2) Theoretical investigation of the strategic use of political violence as a bargaining instrument. This project received the best mark for all categories of the VIth EU framework.

Christophe Muller

European Union 2007-2012

Christophe Muller

A Micro-Level Analysis of Violent Conflict’ (113,000 Euros).

(1) Econometric study of the interactions of the different shocks suffered by households in developing countries: seasonal and inter-annual weather fluctuations, illness and nutrition issues, conflicts and other political shocks, other economic shocks.

(2) Theoretical investigation of the strategic use of political violence as a bargaining instrument. This project received the best mark for all categories of the VIth EU framework.

01 Jan 2005

Drees-Mire, Inserm, DGS, InVS, INCa, CANAM (2005 – 2008)

Valeur de la Santé et Inégalités Sociales de Santé. Study of the impact of health and social status inequalities, and their correlation, on welfare inequality.

Christophe Muller

Drees-Mire, Inserm, DGS, InVS, INCa, CANAM (2005 – 2008)

Christophe Muller

Valeur de la Santé et Inégalités Sociales de Santé.

Study of the impact of health and social status inequalities, and their correlation, on welfare inequality.

01 Jan 2003

Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (2003-2005)

General Project of Investigation.

Christophe Muller

Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (2003-2005)

Christophe Muller

General Project of Investigation.

01 Jan 2001

ESRC (Main British academic grant agency, 2001-2004)


Dynamics of Poverty and Consumption. The Award of £ 95,932 funded a project based on data from Tunisia. The aims of the study are (1) to elucidate the mechanisms of consumption and poverty in Tunisia; (2) to provide new econometric estimation methods for anti-poverty policies.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentMiddle East North Africa Christophe Muller

ESRC (Main British academic grant agency, 2001-2004)

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentMiddle East North Africa

Dynamics of Poverty and Consumption. The Award of £ 95,932 funded a project based on data from Tunisia. The aims of the study are (1) to elucidate the mechanisms of consumption and poverty in Tunisia; (2) to provide new econometric estimation methods for anti-poverty policies.

01 Jan 2001

British Academy (2001-2003)


Multivariate and Intertemporal Welfare Analysis. New stochastic dominance theorems that permit the analysis of multivariate welfare problems with normative foundations.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality Christophe Muller

British Academy (2001-2003)

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality

Multivariate and Intertemporal Welfare Analysis. New stochastic dominance theorems that permit the analysis of multivariate welfare problems with normative foundations.

01 Jan 2001

British Academy (2001-2002)


Two-Stage Robust Estimation Methods. Analysis the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of two-stage quantile regression and other two-stage robust estimation methods.

1. Statistical Methods Christophe Muller

British Academy (2001-2002)

Christophe Muller 1. Statistical Methods

Two-Stage Robust Estimation Methods. Analysis the asymptotic and finite-sample properties of two-stage quantile regression and other two-stage robust estimation methods.

01 Jan 1999

Nottingham University Research Committee (1999-2000)


Poverty analysis in Rwanda. Study trip at the University of California in Berkeley

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development Christophe Muller

Nottingham University Research Committee (1999-2000)

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development

Poverty analysis in Rwanda. Study trip at the University of California in Berkeley

01 Jan 1998

European Union (TMR grant, 1998)


Analysis of household survey data from Rwanda

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development Christophe Muller

European Union (TMR grant, 1998)

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development

Analysis of household survey data from Rwanda

01 Jan 1970

European Union (TMR grant, 1997)


Poverty and Household Behaviour in Rwanda.

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development

European Union (TMR grant, 1997)

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic Development

Poverty and Household Behaviour in Rwanda.

01 Jan 1993

ACDI (Canadian Development Agency, Projet Paradi, 1993-95)


Choice of Health Care Providers in Benin. Analysis of health care survey data in Benin

3. Economic DevelopmentHealth and Nutrition Christophe Muller

ACDI (Canadian Development Agency, Projet Paradi, 1993-95)

Christophe Muller 3. Economic DevelopmentHealth and Nutrition

Choice of Health Care Providers in Benin. Analysis of health care survey data in Benin

01 Jan 1989

French Ministry of Economics and Finances (Bourse du Crest, 1989-91)


Agricultural household models. Awards for the study of agricultural household behaviour in LDCs

2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural Households Christophe Muller

French Ministry of Economics and Finances (Bourse du Crest, 1989-91)

Christophe Muller 2. Welfare analysis, Poverty and Inequality3. Economic DevelopmentAgricultural Households

Agricultural household models. Awards for the study of agricultural household behaviour in LDCs