

Fertility Regulation Behavior: Sequential Decisions in Tunisia

Christophe Muller on 10 Oct, 2017

Authors : Olfa Frini and Christophe Muller Fertility analysis in Tunisia is revisited by focusing on regulation instruments instead of the number of births or the number of children alive. In Muslim societies, in which marriage is the exclusive acknowledged childbearing context, a woman may be seen as starting her fertility regulation period by postponing her

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Anti-Poverty Transfers and Spatial Prices in Tunisia

Christophe Muller on 20 May, 2017

Author : Christophe Muller In this paper, the role of price deflation in estimating the impact of price subsidies and anti-poverty  cash transfer schemes on poverty in Tunisia is studied. Three types of price corrections are considered: (a) no  corrections; (b) living standards deflated by spatial Laspeyres price indices; and (c) living standards deflated  by

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Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia

Christophe Muller on 06 Jul, 2016

This case study exploits matched firm-employee Tunisian data in order to underline the role played by within-firm human capital in worker remuneration. The estimated returns to human capital in wage equations remain unchanged when the dummies representing firm heterogeneity are replaced in the list of regressors with three firm variables: a textile industry dummy, within-firm

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Refined Targeting against poverty in Tunisia

Christophe Muller on 27 Jun, 2016

We introduce a new methodology to target direct transfers against poverty. Our method is based on estimation methods that focus on the poor. Using data from Tunisia, we estimate ‘focused’transfer schemes that highly improve anti-poverty targeting performances. Post-transfer poverty can be substantially reduced with the new estimation method. For example, a one-third reduction in poverty

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