2017 October

State Capacity 10

Social Policies and State Capacity: Evidence from Developing Countries

Christophe Muller on 30 Oct, 2017

Authors : Christophe Muller and Marina Dodlova. Abstract : Poor countries remain poor. This paper explores one reason of such a vicious cycle as state capacity. The previous literature presents many theories on state building and development policy. However, little rigorous empirical analysis has been conducted. We put forward our understanding of state fragility through a comprehensive

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Egyptian Women hold the cash transfer cards.

Social Transfers and Conditionalities under Different Regime Types

Christophe Muller on 30 Oct, 2017

Authors : Marina Dodlova, Anna Giolbas, and Jann Lay. This paper examines the implications of political factors for social policy choices. Specifically, we explore the link between regime type and adoption of unconditional transfers versus transfers conditioned on beneficiaries’ investments in human capital. Due to the direct nature of benefits, unconditional transfers are more likely to be used to

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Fertility Regulation Behavior: Sequential Decisions in Tunisia

Christophe Muller on 10 Oct, 2017

Authors : Olfa Frini and Christophe Muller Fertility analysis in Tunisia is revisited by focusing on regulation instruments instead of the number of births or the number of children alive. In Muslim societies, in which marriage is the exclusive acknowledged childbearing context, a woman may be seen as starting her fertility regulation period by postponing her

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tmena project