Consultancy - 2011 - The World Bank : Support to the design of a panel data household survey in Morocco. : 31.803050, -7.088242
Consultancy - 2009 - United Nations : Support to the development of the Social Welfare Agency and a poverty monitoring system in the Seychelles.: -4.672058, 55.487823
Consultancy - 2010 - UNDP : Training of National Experts Statisticians of Mauritius to measurement, estimation and analysis of poverty: -20.300000, 57.583333
Consultancy - 2009 - The World Bank: Studies for the Poverty Assessment of The Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2009 - The World Bank : SADRN Researchers Workshop. Lecture in Pretoria on ‘Service Development and Poverty Reduction Project: -30.559482, 22.937506
Consultancy - 2008 - European Union : Poverty studies in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Consultancy - 2007 - United Nations Development Programme : Setting up of the Social Register of Mauritius and social program analysis: -20.348404, 57.552152
Consultancy - 2007 - The World Bank : Participation in Poverty Assessment for The Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2006 - World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Design of the CPI of the Gambia.: 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2006 The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Analysis of consumption, living standards and poverty in The Gambia.: 48.216038, 16.378984
Consultancy - 2005 - The World Bank and the Government of The Gambia. Analysis of the national household survey of the Gambia. : 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 2004 - Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network : Animation of a conference of the network in Dakar.: 14.497401, -14.452362
Consultancy - 2004 - The World Bank and the government of The Gambia. Analysis of national household surveys and design of a methodology for poverty analysis in The Gambia. : 13.443182, -15.310139
Consultancy - 1999 - The World Bank. Design of poverty lines and the poverty profile of Tunisia. Study of the incidence of social services. : 33.886917, 9.537499
Consultancy - 1998 - The World Bank. 1. Survey Analysis Lecture in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; 2. AERC workshop “Poverty, Inequality and Labour Markets Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa,” in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. : 7.539989, -5.547080
Consultancy - 1993 - The World Bank. Statistical study of household nutrition, household time uses and poverty in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1993 - Caisse des Dépots et Consignations (Paris). Econometric study of firm investment in France. : 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 1989 - French Ministry of Cooperation and Development. Design of the 1990 National Consumption Survey for the Price Index of the Gabon. : -0.803689, 11.609444
Consultancy - 1988 - French Ministry of Cooperation and Development. Survey analysis in Paris.: -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1987 - OECD. Study of non-food consumption and manufacturing industries in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1987 - Association Francaise des Volontaires du Progrès. Survey design and analysis for development projects of the association in Rwanda. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Consultancy - 1985 - Project of Kigali-Est. Analysis of a survey organised by this project of agricultural development in Rwanda. : 48.216038, 16.378984
Consultancy - 1983 - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. Analysis of a sociological survey in Paris on television use by French households. : 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 1982 - Centre Culturel George Pompidou. Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.: 46.227638, 2.213749
Consultancy - 2003 - Global Textile Partner for the Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency. Study of manufacturing and distribution of anti-malaria mosquito nets in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Survey analysis on anti-malaria practices of Congolese hou: -4.038333, 21.758664
Consultancy - 1982 - Centre Culturel George Pompidou. Sociological survey on the visitors of the centre George Pompidou, Paris.: 46.227638, 2.213749
Honors&Award - ACDI (Canadian Development Agency, Projet Paradi, 1993-95): Choice of Health Care Providers in Benin. Analysis of health care survey data in Benin. : 9.307690, 2.315834
Honors&Award - European Union (twice, TMR grant, 1997-98): Poverty and Household Behaviour in Rwanda. Analysis of household survey data from Rwanda.: -1.940278, 29.873888
Honors&Award - Nottingham University Research Committee (1999-2000): Poverty analysis in Rwanda. Study trip at the University of California in Berkeley. : -1.940278, 29.873888
Honors&Award - ESRC (Main British academic grant agency, 2001-2004): Dynamics of Poverty and Consumption. The Award of £ 95,932 funded a project based on data from Tunisia. The aims of the study are (1) to elucidate the mechanisms of consumption and pover: 33.886917, 9.537499
Honors&Award - European Union 2012: Marie Curie grant for a postdoc on the project “MultiRisk”. Study of the interaction of sources of risks for Indonesian households.: -0.789275, 113.921327
Honors&Award - United Nations Development Programme 2012-13: Multidimensional poverty, social policies and gender in Seychelles.: -4.679574, 55.491977
Honors&Award - UNU-WIDER 2015-2016: (The Political Economy of Social Protection Systems): New Statistical Methods for Optimal Targeting. Application to MENA Economies.: 26.820553, 30.802498
Honors&Award - UNU-WIDER 2016-17: Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.: -0.789275, 113.921327
Honors&Award - Economic Research Forum 2015: Maghreb rural-urban migration: the movement to Morocco\'s towns.: 31.791702, -7.092620
Peer Reviewed - 40 - A Test of Separability of Consumption and Production Decisions of Farm Households in Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
Task Organization, Human Capital and Wages in Moroccan Exporting Firms: 31.791702, -7.092620
Demographic Transition, Education and Economic Growth in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Application of Stochastic Production Frontier in the Estimation of Technical Efficiency of Irrigated Agriculture in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
A new method to extrapolate poverty lines when only a few prices can be observed. Evidence from the Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Refining Targeting against Poverty: Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Anti-Poverty Targeting Errors and Spatial Prices: 33.886917, 9.537499
Do Agricultural Outputs of Autarkic Peasants Affect their Health and Nutrition?: -1.940278, 29.873888
Poverty Incidence and Poverty Change in Tunisia 1990-95: 33.886917, 9.537499
The Measurement of Poverty with Geographical and Temporal Price Variability. Evidence from Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
L’autre raison de dire oui à l’Europe: 54.525961, 15.255119
Compared Impact of Retrospective and Daily Budgetary Questionnaires: -1.940278, 29.873888
Poverty Simulation and Price Changes: 33.886917, 9.537499
Human Capital and Wages in Two Leading Industries of Tunisia: Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data: 33.886917, 9.537499
Censored Quantile Regressions of Chronic and Transient Poverty in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Relative Prevalence of Disease Symptoms for Ill Persons in Bénin: 9.307690, 2.315834
Prices and Living Standards. Evidence for Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
A Health Production Function for Quasi-Autarkic Agricultural Households in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Impact of Health and Nutritional Status of Farmers on their Productivity and Efficiency: Evidence from Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
The Impact of the Production Composition on the Nutrition of Agricultural Households in Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Choice of Medical Providers in Rural Bénin : A Comparison of Discrete Choice Models: 9.307690, 2.315834
The Role of Production Decisions in Modeling Consumption of Peasants: -1.940278, 29.873888
A Microeconometric Model of Primary Health Care Demand: 9.307690, 2.315834
Estimation des consommations de producteurs agricoles d\'Afrique centrale: -1.940278, 29.873888
The Social Register of Mauritius and the Social Aid Reform: -20.348404, 57.552152
The Living Conditions in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
Poverty in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
An Individual Panel Data Survey for Observing Dynamic Consumption in Morocco: 31.791702, -7.092620
PMT and Targeting for the Social Aid Reform in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Living Standards and Living Conditions in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Proxy-Means Tests for Social Aid in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Profile of Social Aid Beneficiaries in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Targeting Indicators of Social Aid in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Social Welfare Agency and Poverty Monitoring in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
A Note on General Poverty in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Living Condition Survey in Mauritius: General Poverty Profile: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Nutritional Poverty Profile in Mauritius 2006-07: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Reorganization of the Social Register of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Note on Nutritional Poverty Estimates in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
Methodology and Statistical Results. 2008 Pilot Income Threshold Survey of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Short-Track Strategy for the Social Register of Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
A Plan for a Social Register in Mauritius: -20.348404, 57.552152
The Consumer Price Index of the Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Poverty Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Living Standard Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
The Consumption of Gambian Households in the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Methodology of the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Methodological issues in the Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Treatment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Model of the Sampling Procedure and Sampling Estimators for the Integrated Household Survey CSD of The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Data Assessment and Analysis of the Integrated Household Survey CSD in The Gambia: 13.443182, -15.310139
Etude de la faisabilité de la production locale et de la distribution de moustiquaires imprégnées d’insecticides en République Démocratique du Congo: -4.038333, 21.758664
Structure de la consommation finale des ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Grandes lignes de la conception d\'un projet d\'Enquête sur la Consommation des ménages pour l\'élaboration d\'un indice des prix au Gabon: -0.803689, 11.609444
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 3 : Présentation méthodologique de l\'échantillon et de la collecte en milieu urbain: -1.940278, 29.873888
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 2 : Structure du Budget des ménages: -1.940278, 29.873888
Ressources élargies et emplois élargis des ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Dépenses d\'éducation - Déplacements aux marchés - Relevés de prix en milieu rural au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Approvisionnements en eau et en bois de feu - Récipients utilisés par les ménages ruraux au Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Enquête Nationale sur le Budget et la Consommation des ménages. volume 1 : Présentation méthodologique de l\'échantillon et de la collecte en milieu rural: -1.940278, 29.873888
Multidimensional Poverty in Seychelles: -4.679574, 55.491977
Shocks, Coping Strategies and Vulnerability before and after the Financial Crisis: evidence from Ethiopia: 9.145000, 40.489673
Réseaux sociaux et insertion sur le marché du travail en Algérie: 28.033886, 1.659626
Household Fuel Use in Rural China: 35.861660, 104.195397
Group Violence, Ethnic Diversity and Citizen Participation: Evidence from Indonesia: -0.789275, 113.921327
An Innovative Measurement Method of Basic Needs Mixing Objective and Subjective Information: -4.679574, 55.491977
The Role of Knowledge for Participation in Local Development Initiatives: -0.789275, 113.921327
Which Almost Ideal Demand System for Tunisia?: 33.886917, 9.537499
Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Sharing the Cost of On-the-Job Training in Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Females Activity Choice in a Dual Context. An integrated model for formal and informal sector in Cameroon: 7.369722, 12.354722
The Share of Seasonal Transient Poverty. Evidence from Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Unit-Values in Demand Systems with Administered Prices. Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Relative Poverty from the Perspective of Social Classes. Evidence from The Netherlands,: 52.132633, 5.291266
Intra-Cohort Inequality in the Short-run and the Long-Run. Evidence from Tunisia: 33.886917, 9.537499
Rounding of Wages: 55.378051, -3.435973
Wage Rigidity in the UK. A Dynamic Perspective: 55.378051, -3.435973
La codification d\'une enquête auprès des ménages : théorie, méthodes et pratique. Application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda 1982-83 et 1984-85: -1.940278, 29.873888
Méthodes de saisie et application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget Consommation Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Méthodes d\'apurement et application à l\'Enquête Nationale Budget-Consommation Rwanda: -1.940278, 29.873888
Les effets des transferts extérieurs sur l’économie du Cameroun: 7.369722, 12.354722
External Research Fellow of the University of Nottingham: 52.954783, -1.158109
Fellow - HiCN Affiliate (Households in Conflict Network): 38.627002, -90.199404
Fellow - Research Associate of DIAL in Paris: 48.856614, 2.352222
Fellow - Research Associate of IDEP in Marseille: 43.296482, 5.369780
Fellow - Research Associate of Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network at Université Laval in Canada: 46.781746, -71.274742
Fellow - Research Associate of ESG Tunis: 36.806495, 10.181532
Visited Department - University of Durham (2015) : 54.775250, -1.584852
Visited Department - University of North Carolina (2015) : 35.759573, -79.019300
Visited Department - Georgia State University (2015) : 32.165622, -82.900075
Visited Department - Université du Québec à Montreal (2013) : 45.501689, -73.567256
Visited Department - CORE in Belgium (2013): 50.879844, 4.700518
Visited Departmeent - University Laval in Canada (2013) : 46.787837, -71.277354
Visited Department - University of New South Wales (2013) : -33.864174, 151.205287
Visited Department - UNDP Seychelles (2013) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Visited Department - National Bureau of Statistics and Social Welfare Agency in Seychelles (2010-12) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Visited Department - Ministry of Economics and Finances in the Seychelles (2009) : -4.679574, 55.491977
Project 19. UNU-WIDER 2016-17: Ethnic Inequality and Participation in Indonesian Community Activities.: -0.789275, 113.921327
University of Durham (2015), University of North Carolina (2015), Georgia State University (2015), Université du Québec à Montreal (2013), CORE in Belgium (2013), University Laval in Canada (2013), University of New South Wales (2013), UNDP Seychelles (2013), National Bureau of Statistics and Social Welfare Agency in Seychelles (2010-12), University of Aix-Marseille II (2009), Ministry of Economics and Finances in the Seychelles (2009), DIW: German Institute for Economic Research (2008, 2016), Ministry of Social Security, Ministry of Finance and Economic Empowerment, and Central Statistical Office in Mauritius (2007-10), University Yonsei in South Korea (2007, 2009, 2010, 2013), University of Aix-Marseille II in France (2006), Central Statistics Department of the Gambia (2004-06), University of Alicante in Spain (2003), GREQUAM in Marseille (2003), Ministry of Health in R.D. Congo (2003), CREST-INSEE in Paris (1994, 1998, 2002), THEMA-University of Cergy (2000, 2001, 2002), Institute National of Statistics of Tunis (2000), University of California at Berkeley (2000), Vanderbilt University in Nashville (2000), Indian Statistical Institute (1988), University of Addis Ababa (1995), Institute National of Economy at Cotonou (1989), University Laval at Quebec (1994, 1995), University of Mauritius (2000), University of Tunis and IHEC in Tunis (2002, 2003), FAO in Rome (2002), The World Bank in Washington (1992), University of Houston (1992), Ministry of Plan of Rwanda (1984-88).
Referee and Supervision
Referee and Supervision
Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Econometrics Journal, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Population Economics, European Economic Review, Oxford Economic Papers, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Fiscal Studies, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Empirical Economics, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Development Studies, Health Economics, Journal of Economic Inequality, World Development, Mathematical and Social Sciences, Food Policy, Journal of Economic Psychology, Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, Manchester School, Economics and Human Biology, Economic Modelling, Health Care Management Science, South African Journal of Economics, Journal of International Development, Revue Economique, African Development Review, The World Economy, Economics Research International, Peace Economics-Peace Science and Public Policy, L’Actualité Economique, Cahiers d’Economie et Sociologie Rurales, FAO Economic and Social Development Papers, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Poverty and Economic Policy, Hacienda Economica Espanola, IVIE, GREMAQ-IDEP, DfID, ESRC, Intitut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Institut de la Recherche en Développement, Swiss Network of International Studies, Région et Développement.
Supervision of students at Masters and PhD levels for University Laval at Québec, University of Addis Ababa, University of Oxford, University of Nottingham, University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, University of Antwerp, Universidad de Alicante, University of Cergy-Pontoise, University of Aix-Marseille, Paris School of Economics.
Running of seminar series in Delta, Paris and in Alicante, Spain.